April 11, 2010


What is pressure, pressure from a water pump, peer pressure?

These past 2 months have been crazy, juggling work, uni, friends and personal matters. Slowly, i feel myself cracking under pressure. My week is always packed, yet i still find time to watch tv shows instead of doing my work. What do you do when you want to be relieve of this pressure, quit work? quit school? Things i know im going to regret later on, thats why i just have to hold on and more matter how hard things get, i just have to told on. Always knowing that there will always be drink ups to relieve me to from stress. As my fellow yoda said, im back in the game.... for now that is. Until i realise that i have work to catch up on, no time for other activities and before i know it, the routine of constant pressure kicks in again.

This isnt pressure, this is life and it sucks hardcore.

Until next time,
A Friend of Peter

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